Senvac Extraction Systems - Mobile Industrial Vacuum Cleaner Manufacturer

Mobile Industrial Vacuum Cleaner Manufacturer

Manufacturer & Supplier of High-Performance Mobile Industrial Vacuum Cleaners

SENVAC SVC Series - Portable type Heavy Duty Industrial Vacuum Cleaning machine with wet & dry applications, Robust Construction with seven tank process powder coated MS Body building which provides long machine life, High efficiency Side channel blower gives ultimate suction solution for collecting spillages from various areas like general floor cleaning application, carbon dust, sand spillages, foundry plant and automobiles, cement plants, hospitals, hotels, food industries, chemical factories, warehouses, Large Godowns, Service Centres, Showrooms, Wood applications, Pharma plants, Steel industries, shipyards, small manufacturing industries and public sectors, large industries, sand blasting applications etc.

55 304 Stainless Steel Body Construction (Optional): Specific models can be recommended for food and pharma industries applications for collecting reusable particles and corrosive dust application areas.

ATEX models are used for specialized applications like Zone 1 and 21 & 22 for hazardous dust areas.

The SVC Series dominates both wet and dry applications, handling both wet and dry materials with ease, from fine and heavy materials to tiny dirt and metal fragments. Additionally, the machine can run continuously around the clock and was designed to withstand extended periods of use and cleaning.

Compact, heavy-duty, high-efficiency side channel blower with motors ranging from 3 to 5.5 KW, a wide filter area of 2 square meters (20,000 CM2), and the option of polyester, anti static, and nano coated filters for specific uses, in addition to


  • Outstanding Suction Power and quick cleaning results, which give time savings and cover more and larger areas. Also, it can reduce the manual labor.
  • High Performance Extraction for Dust and Enhanced Safety for Removing dust, metal chips, and liquids from the work environment reduces the risk of accidents, such as slips, falls, and fires, improving overall workplace safety.
  • Low operating costs with cleanable long life filter cartridge.
  • Compact design, minimal space requirement.

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